Back on Track (Filming)
Hey lovelies!! Welcome back! I know my last blog was left off on a little cliff hanger. SO this is the moment you've been waiting for. What happened and how did we resolve it?
With one person not being able to make the filming site and the other person feeling disrespected this caused a lot of riffs between the group. There were some conflicts that caused a weird wedge in the group. Some words were exchanged in private that I knew wouldn't be productive and would hinder the production and film process.
Now that our first date was put behind us, it was now time to schedule another date. We went back to the scratch board and started to conspire. This time it was harder because of all the tension that was caused through it. Each member of my group had to hold back what each other thought and focus on a date to film.
Eventually we chose another date and got focused on how we were going to get there. The location we chose to film at which was a group members' house was going to be a bit of a distance for me. So I had to start planning ahead and know how I would be getting there. The group member whose house we would be filming at had initally agreed to taking us there being that she had a car that she drove to school. It just so happened that on the days leading up to it her car had an issue and we most likely still would not be able to use it. Either way she reassured us that she would be able to fix it and take us to her house.
Knowing that, all my worries about getting there faded and I was sure of what I was going to do the day of. Now getting to the night before that same group member decided to say last minute that she would not be able to take us to her house with her car. The unfortunate thing about it is I was asleep at the time she sent that. When I woke up, I had no idea what to do I was just shocked and confused.
I quickly made plans to drive to school even if I would get in late. Which is what I did, if I had not done that our filming would have to be postponed again and I would not like that myself.
Whew what a doozy! Thank you for reading up to this point. We make a pretty good team right? In my next blog I will go into detail on what we did during our filming date and how we were able to wrap it up. Remember to stay fabulous! And I'll see you in the next one!!
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