Lets Get a Roll on - (Filming)

      Hey welcome back lovelies! We've been talking about our short film for a while and now that the filming is over I can dish out all the secrets. Well we're not completely done... we still need to edit but that's not the point. Anyways I'll tell you all the hot tea about our film and how it came to be.

    When my team and I were first talking about our script we had an idea that we wanted to go into horror and it almost felt like it'd be a voiceless film at first. With that we were satisfied at first and left it like that for a while. That's when time started knocking down on us concerning our script and we finally got to work.     

    We knew that we were going to have a group of four friends hanging out so we had to decide how we were going to plant a mystery into the film. I took on the role of the person who was going to be the victim of the murder. Once we delegated our roles, filming just came by second nature. 

   The next part would be choosing where and when to film. Choosing where was simple, but when not so much. This would prove to be one of the most difficult parts for us. My group is not a usual group where everyone is in the same class and things go perfect. Three of us in the group share the same class and the other has a later period. Because of this we resorted to creating a group chat and communicating there.

    There we planned a date and had a week to confirm whether or not we would be able to be available on that date. So each day we would keep each other updated on our availability which went well. Until the day of filming when we found out one of our group members couldn't make the film date. This caused a riff in our group as another person felt as if their time was disrespected  since they have a busy schedule. Just like any problem... it too shall pass. This problem ended up being resolved. How? You'll have to stick around for my next blog. 

    Thank you for joining me today! Remember to stay fabulous and I'll see you in the next one!


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