Props to You!


    Hey lovelies! I'm glad to see you here once again! In this blog, I'll be going into all the props we used to film our opening sequence.

    I'm gonna start with what we used to film. On the day of our filming, we agreed to use the best phone on set since everyone had iPhones. We know that iPhones have a reputation of good camera quality so it didn't seem like a big issue. Although I had the latest version there, I had a camera lens protector on that was actually cracked into various pieces so it made my back camera look a bit weird. Back story on that, I do not clearly remember what I did for that to happen lol. But all I know is that I'm thankful that I had it on cause if not something may have actually happened to my camera. 

    With that my phone was automatically disqualified. So we went with another group member who had an iPhone 13. I gotta say filming on these phones is so convenient, it's the only thing I've used to film on and it is very adaptable. When it comes to props that we used on set, we had to get creative because we were in my friend's house.

    During our planning, we already had in mind of some props that would come into play. The first one was going to be the use of her TV to play a movie. With our opening scene being a mystery film, we wanted to play a similar vibe but ended up going with the Equalizer. I believe to have heard of that title before but I had never watched a lick of it until that day. I can't lie it is a very interesting movie and it's a series which makes it even more captivating.

    Then we moved on to the star of the show, the prop that would claim the victim's life. I don't want to say too much yet so I will just say that this prop was something that you use in the kitchen. It required me to drink water and that is fine as long as it isn't tap. Lovelies guess what my friend ONLY had... yep tap water. That made me feel a bit uncomfortable but it was fine because I did not have to actually drink it.

    The last prop would be in the bathroom. I have go to say this might just be the worse prop ever. It was a toilet... yes I am not kidding. Imagine how disgusting that was lol. I will not tell you what that was for you just have to see it when our film is out. 

    Thank you as always for reading! I will catch you in the next one! Stay Fabulous!!


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