Hey lovelies!! Here is my Critical Creative Reflection (CCR) for my music video. I hope you enjoy the breakdown and my thought process of my music video. Here goes! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UAiUV59Cq1nhyRPkcbASnOuiJq7cyfPqgJzNnNBVf_M/edit?usp=sharing How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? My music video challenges conventions by its use of typical music video conventions to make it look real. It includes pans, shoulder shots, two shots, three shots, medium shots, long shots, and black and white shots. These features are used in a specific way that adheres to the genre of my music video which was contemporary R&B. My music video also being a heartbreak video, there was a big use of over shoulder shots, two and long shots. The over the shoulder shots were able to show a connection between the characters and how they felt towards each other. The use of two shots helped to ...
Hey lovelies!! Welcome back to my blog, today I am going to fill you in to what a classmate had to say about my film. There has been lots of ups and downs this process of making an opening sequence. To be completely sure of our project, I wanted to get the opinions of my peers. I showed my project to a couple of my friends and this is what they had to say. 1. My acting could use a little work - I do not claim to be the best actress in the world. Neither did I want to be in the lead role but I had no option. There were parts of the film where my acting felt awkward to them. They advised that for the next film I go for a different role. This feedback was good for me to realize things I need to work on 2. The background music created suspense - When my group mate edited the video she included parts of the film where there would be music to complement the scene. The feedback I got was that they were able to understand the mood of the scenes when the music p...
Hey lovelies! I'm glad to see you here once again! In this blog, I'll be going into all the props we used to film our opening sequence. I'm gonna start with what we used to film. On the day of our filming, we agreed to use the best phone on set since everyone had iPhones. We know that iPhones have a reputation of good camera quality so it didn't seem like a big issue. Although I had the latest version there, I had a camera lens protector on that was actually cracked into various pieces so it made my back camera look a bit weird. Back story on that, I do not clearly remember what I did for that to happen lol. But all I know is that I'm thankful that I had it on cause if not something may have actually happened to my camera. With that my phone was automatically disqualified. So we went with another group member who had an iPhone 13. I gotta say filming on these phones is so convenient, it's the only thing I've used to film on and it i...
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